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the Gap between Education and Industry,

Vision in Education

We believe in sharing knowledge with our customers and also providing them with the necessary skills and resources to succeed.​ Providing a comprehensive platform for internship opportunities across major universities and colleges.


Taking pride as the go-to platform for internships, our aim is to connect students from various universities and colleges with valuable hands-on experiences. Bridging the gap between education and industry, a dynamic space is provided for students to kickstart their careers. 

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The Most Powerful Industry-Academia Collaboration Resource

JUNE, 2024

PureScalp known for its cutting-edge hair care technology, is providing robust support for industry-academia collaboration. The Department of Cosmetic Application at National Tainan Junior College of Nursing has officially launched its "Scalp Revitalization Internship Salon," featuring PureScalp products from Shaan Honq.

This collaboration aims to enhance students' practical experience and foster industry-academia cooperation. PureScalp products, known for their superior scalp care effects, will serve as essential tools for student internships, further strengthening their professional skills.

Tainan City, Taiwan

Academic Cooperation

109.07.02 【獎座】樹德科大陳清燿校長贈-2020策略聯盟優良合作夥伴-新技
109.07.15 【獎狀】國立台南護專感謝狀-協助化妝品應用科「健康妝品教學社群校外實務研習工作坊」
108.03.11 國立嘉義高級家事商職-協助美顏技術科職場體驗-林義文
107.07.30 輔英科大感謝狀-提供107學年暑期校外實習-昇宏
106.08.23 輔英科大感謝狀-提供106學年暑期校外實習-昇宏
106.01.03 育英醫議管理專科學校感謝狀-化妝品應用與管理科-標榜
106.10.13 義守大學感謝狀-國際金融與貿易人才培育學程計劃擔任講師-蔡秋月
105.12.05 高雄醫學院感謝狀-蒞臨105學年「國際髮妝行銷趨勢分享」主講人-昇宏蔡秋月
105.10.30 師範大學-熱心協助地理學系外埠教學觀摩活動-昇宏
105.07.22 高雄醫學院感謝狀-提供104學年學生實習校外實習V-昇宏
104.05.26 大德職校感謝狀-協辦美容科校外參觀職場體驗-標榜
104.05 樹科大感謝狀-贊助本校「流行設計系第十四屆 」-昇宏
104.06.01 正修科大感謝狀-提供校外實習-昇宏
104.03.25 大德職校感謝狀-協辦美容科校外參觀職場體驗-標榜
103.08.31 正修科大感謝狀-提供校外實習-威玖
103.12 樹科大感謝狀-贊助本校「流行設計系第五屆時尚創意新人獎 」-昇宏
103.12 樹科大感謝狀-贊助本校「流行設計系第五屆時尚創意新人獎 」-標榜
103.12.18 國立員林職校感謝狀-協助師生校外參訪活動-昇宏
104.02.11 社團法人台灣非洲經貿協會-贊助&熱心參與會務-昇宏
110.12.13 弘光科大感謝狀-贊助110年度美畢展-昇宏
112.11.24 國立台南護專感謝狀-協助「全球美髮市場趨勢講座」擔任講師-昇宏蔡秋月
其它01-武漢美麗椰島 贈
   8   June  2024         Application at National Tainan Junior College of Nursing has officially launched its "Scalp
                                   Revitalization Internship Salon," featuring PureScalp products from Shaan Honq.
18 December 2015   200 Hairstyling Majors from Dong Wu Senior Industrial Home Economics Vocational High
                                   School visited and rocked the house with their new hair color.
25 November 2015   Shaanhonq's Research and Development Team gave a speech at Kaohsiung Medical
                                   University on unspeakable suffering in the laboratory appealing to 100 students
04 December 2014   Miss Costa Rica2014 RECOMMENDS SH-RD Series
31 January 2014   THE ART OF BEAUTY CLASS
23 October 2013   Products and Educational Training Course for Costa Rica Distributor, Taiwan
22 May 2013   Distributor of Philippine brought twelve designers to Shaan Honq headquarter
                         to take product and method training courses (Pivot Point USA’s Cut and Color Course), Taiwan
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