Since 2009
Hand in Hand Project
Let kindness and care shine all over the world.
Dedicated to enacting corporate social responsibility, we are activating the Hand in Hand project. From South Africa to Honduras, uniformly responding to Global needs. Letting the power of many become the power of one.

During a visit to South Africa many years ago, Artemis anticipated the seriousness of how AIDS has been spread in Africa. She saw how desperate these children needed help, and how kind Franco, our South Africa distributor, was to these children. Their optimistic attitude toward illness and the smiles on their innocent faces have imprinted in Artemis’s heart. Thus, in 2009, Artemis decided to start the “Hand in Hand” Project wanting to act to benefit society. She even had this logo especially designed just for this project. The logo itself emphasizes the idea of reaching out our hands to those in need.
Hand in Hand Project in South Africa.
This heartfelt program focuses on supporting children affected by HIV/AIDS, symbolizing the strength that comes when hands join together. We partnered with our distributor and design a product set specifically for children affected by HIV/AIDS in South Africa. For each set sold, all the proceeds were contributed to support children in South Africa.
May 21, 2014
In a sunny day, our Honduras distributor gathered people up to give out donation and a touching speech. People were touched. Children gathered together while waiting to receive more gifts. They were holding the pencils happily because they finally have the supplies for study. Our distributor was giving out clothes, home goods, food and etc. to these people in need. They were thankful for this grateful kindness.

May 21, 2014
Hand in Hand Project with The Foster Home "Bazaleel Home"
FEB. 21. 2013
In Honduras, we're excited to contribute to positive change by sponsoring T-Shirts to the children.